na dan spletnih založb, 14. julija 2022
Kolonija, kolonizirati, dekolonizacija: kje so meje enega in drugega, kako so se redefinirali odnosi imperializma, prostor za posameznikove potrebe v kolonistični skupnosti. Koncept kolonije je oblikoval 12 prispevanih skladb na toletni Kamizdatovi kompilaciji raziskovalne glasbe Access Frame, ki bo uradno izšla v obliki zina in QR kartic na dan spletnih založb, 14. julija.
“Colony unravels a challenging and overarching concept that belongs to the past but still invades every capillary system of our cultural predicament. A colony is not so much a settlement in a particular place, but a mental state, insidious conditioning occupying the mind. It is a legacy of looting dispossessed beings and exploiting the Earth’s riches. In the aftermath of colonialism, any country is just a city of illusions, in which some live with borders, taxes, laws, and regulations and others without any limits or responsibilities to that same territory. We are the colonies of the rich.”
– izsek iz spremne besede Ide Hiršenfelder
Glasbenice na kompilaciji:
22nds / ala pecula / beepblip / Kezz / Kikimore / Kikiriki / Kristina Kočan & Samo Šalamon / Lip Rouge / Muzikačaka / Nastja Janžekovič / rouge-ah / Saša Spačal & Pim Boreel
Seznam skladb
- ala pecula · formation22
- Saša Spačal & Pim Boreel · Surrogacy (Edit)
- 22nds · Anticipation
- rouge-ah · námunámu
- Lip Rouge · PLY
- Kristina Kočan & Samo Šalamon · tiger
- Nastja Janžekovič · Organi Vinila 1984
- Kikiriki · Naval Cry
- beepblip · Anthive
- Kezz · Odide
- Kikimore · Živa (Mix)
- Muzikačaka · Mi gradimo
Prenos in nakup
Kompilacija Access Frame: Colony izide v obliki zinov s QR kodami in digitalno kot prosti prenos (po modelu plačaj kolikor hočeš) na dan spletnih založb, 14. julija 2022 preko https://kamizdat.bandcamp.com.
Glasba je ustvarjena in objavljena pod pogoji Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 licence ([Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji 4.0] – Attribution-ShareAlike)
O izvajalkah
ala pecula is a project dedicated to sound exploration by an artist that in the past decade made sonic appearances on a Slovene music scene through various collaborations and experimental research of sound and video. In Autumn ala pecula will release her debut album at Kamizdat.
Saša Spačal is a postmedia artist working at the intersection of living systems research, contemporary and sound art. Her work focuses primarily on the posthuman condition, where human beings exist and act as one of many elements in the ecosystem and not as sovereigns.
Pim Boreel is an artist and curator who works at the intersection of sound art, composition and experience design.
22nds (Maja Kraljič) is a web developer, experienced in live coding and working with open-source programs. She is a member of the Lesbian Feminist University (LFU) initiative, where she organises workshops and events for Ada Lovelace Day. Lately she is focused on live coding visuals and making computer music.
rouge-ah (Urška Preis) is a musician and visual artist from Ljubljana working also as a curator, music editor and journalist. As a composer and harpist she performs under the moniker rouge-ah and in ensembles like the duo II/III, the fluid Zhlehtet and the experimental quartet Sujevera. Her artistic and creative strategies are built around her intermedia works involving feminist theories and practices. In 2018 she released her last full-length album “bare” at Kamizdat.
Lip Rouge is an experimental music duo by Karmen Ponikvar and Eva Mulej. They explore sounds with analog synthesis, voice, recorder and different instruments. Their inspiration are early electronic music, vocal innovations and made-up stories. With creating soundscapes they form a music vocabulary of sonic frequencies and altered sounds.
Kristina Kočan is a poet and translator. In 2016 she received a Ph.D. in contemporary American poetry at the University of Maribor, Slovenia. A year before she began intensely working with musicians, writing lyrics for a Slovenian band Brest and dedicating herself to her performance projects. In 2018 she recorded her first album titled “im|pro s|prehod”.
Samo Šalamon is a renown Slovenian jazz guitarist, composer and a recording artist. He has recorded more than 200 original compositions and released more than 22 albums.
Nastja Janžekovič is a violinist, keyboardist and vocalist, known for her musical tandem with the do-it-yourself singer-songwriter Tovariš Strmoglavljen. Their collaboration has since resulted in many recordings by differently named ensembles, most active being the psych-folk-rock trio Psihedelavci, the folk duo Samoč and the ensemble Nevem nevem.
Kikiriki (Nina Farič) is a noise artist playing experimental freestyle noise of all kinds. She uses different DIY gadgets such as synths and micro theremins. She has released numerous albums of studio and live recordings.
beepblip (Ida Hiršenfelder) is a sound artist and archivist. She makes immersive bleepy psychogeographical soundscapes by use of analogue electronics, DIY and modular synths, field recordings and computer manipulations. She is interested in bioacoustics, experimental and microtonal music.
Kezz (Tamara Ristić) is a producer, composer, DJ, live looping artist and music performer from Serbia, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She performs solo with her voice, loop machine, keyboard, sampler and acoustic instruments, mixing the line between a performer and a DJ. In July she will release her third album Elektroizvorika.
Kikimore (Katarina Legat Blomstedt, Staša Guček, Sara Pegam) is a collective of sound researchers walking the line between noise and ambient electronic improvisation, constructing new soundscapes each time anew. They emphasize the collective creation and group learning based on the principles of DIY and DIWO – do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others. With their recording Živa (in original 52-minutes long piece) they are expanding their ethos from soundmaking to recording and postproduction.
Muzikačaka is a project of pianist and sound artist Sara Korošec. In her work she combines acoustic and electronic instruments, mixing piano, vocals and accordion with electronics and field recordings. Her music is inspired by local traditions like traditional singing, instruments, stories in rural environment and the lack of connectivity with world. She releases her albums on her Bandcamp page, the last one titled “Connection And Life At A Distance” published in 2020.
O kompilacijah Access Frame
Kompilacija Access Frame: Colony predstavlja neizdana dela novih in uveljavljenih imen, ki se gibljejo po širokem žanrskem spektru eksperimentalne glasbe: od hrupa in zvočne umetnosti, preko elektronike do elektroakustične in avant-folk glasbe. Projekt skuša vzpostaviti prakso kritičnega mišljenja o dostopu in distribuciji umetnosti. Postavlja vprašanje: kakšen je okvir skozi katerega nam je dovoljeno, in možno, dostopati do kulture? Kako je vzpostavljen, kdo ga vzpostavlja, in kako je ta okvir možno spreminjati in prečiti?
O dnevu spletnih založb – Netlabel day
Z izdajo kompilacije podpiramo vsakoletno praznovanje spletnega založništva na 14. julij. Vsako leto spletne založbe na ta dan pripravijo prosto dostopne glasbene izdaje z namenom, da opozorijo na trenutno problematično stanje glasbenega založništva. Iniciativo za dan spletnih založb je podala čilska založba M.I.S.T., trenutno pa jo kurira The Seattle Star. Več o dnevu spletnih založb na http://netlabelday.com.
Tina Ivezić · design
Ida Hiršenfelder · liner notes
Luka Prinčič · mastering, executive production, texts
Andrej Pervanje · production, promotion
Luka T. Zagoričnik · production
Sabrina Železnik · promotion
Maruša Hren · printing, zine handmade manufacture
produced by Emanat
with support from the City of Ljubljana
released by Kamizdat · https://kamizdat.si