May 11th, 20:00 GMT+2 Bandcamp online stream https://kamizdat.bandcamp.com/merch/kamizdat-rentgen-tv-dvidevat-nulla
Inspiration found between four walls: a new and exciting package of electronic music on a split digital release of two young music producers
In the newest episode of the telematic program of Kamizdat Rentgen TV we will feature two young electronic producers and trained DJs, dvidevat and Nulla. On the same day Kamizdat will release their special digital split release titled 068/078-1.
▶ dvidevat
▶ Nulla
█ dvidevat █ and █ Nulla █
dvidevat and Nulla are among the youngest Ljubljana-based electronic producers. Electronic music culture is what drives them: they both started as DJs, researching different types of electronic and non-electronic music and DJing in many clubs in Ljubljana, and both evolved their listening skills as electronic music producers through institutional and mostly non-institutional education. The split digital release 068/078-1 presents their first longer music work and unveils their musical influences, which inspire them again and again and give them the drive to re-enter the four walls of their studios and their favourite clubs.
The joint release may paint their music similar, but it also shows their differences. Where dvidevat tends to develop the sound of the Detroit old-school electro and short but memorable melodies, Nulla progresses with darker UK experimental electro with a touch of breaks, IDM and bleep. It’s clear that they are working within the same frames of electronic music, breakbeats and detailed electronic sounds, but they are definitely paving their own creative paths.
█ dvidevat x Nulla: 068/078-1 █
Album download (“Name Your Price”) will be available from May 11th through our Bandcamp shop from May 11th at www.kamizdat.bandcamp.com.
Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence. More at www.creativecommons.org/licences.
Link: https://kamizdat.bandcamp.com/merch/kamizdat-rentgen-tv-dvidevat-nulla
Contact: info@kamizdat.si
» Kamizdat Rentgen « is a glimpse beneath the surface of the skin, a look at the fleshy interweaving of the bones, muscles and nerves that make up the diversity of sonic bodies. It is a series of evenings with which the Kamizdat label aims to establish a more significant presence of adventurous music artists, carving a path in fields where there are often none. The evenings are often closely connected to new music releases.