Kamizdat s ponosom predstavlja novo izdajo slovenskega veterana računalniške glasbe. Na tem EP-ju se Luka Prinčič predstavlja kot sofisticiran obrtnik elektronske atmosfere, pulzirajočih ritmov in glasbenih avantur. Albatross EP prinaša sedem skladb, ki prečijo teritorije različnih žanrov of navdihujoče elektronike preko globoko nabasirane dub redčine do obdelav zvoka klavirja, ki se plastijo skozi nostalgične zvočne pokrajine. Te sonične zgodbe so dodobra prepojene s konkretno dozo elektro-brejkov uporabljenih s precizno mero mojstra vzorčenja.
At the heart of it all lies a choreography of sounds – noises and tones and everything in-between. Of course there’s always the body. And its movement. Mental images flashing somewhere in the brain, a foot tapping, that feeling in the stomach and somewhere down the lungs when you’re hit with an emotional resonance. The whole brain is lighting up. And we never know it. Perhaps you are standing up already and you move to the beat. Lightly. The hips or knees jerking. Or you are a two-year old that is all open before your brain connections are pruned already and you start restricting your immediate impulses. Or you are just curled on the bed with headphones on with a torrent within.
I cannot hide the desire that this music would perhaps be heard beyond from what it was made for at first. That it should be thought without the missing component which it was made to harmonize with, to be a support to. It’s a standalone. Or so I wish. It irrevocably connects to its past, to its sources. Many threads have been drawn from many spindles to knit it. Some were planned, some not. Some were conscious, some not. And then there’s also an atmosphere. A socio-sonic environment. It’s where the listener comes in with all her baggage. And joining happens – through very particular nodes: those who moved to it, those who pressed buttons so it became a recording, those who thought about it and searched for moves, those who organized the sounds, bodies, reflections, feed-backs, and experiences. And then, reaching the ears and auditory cortex the music reorganizes itself again. Thus, it has an irrevocable future, and more resonance.
It’s how they looked like, how they moved. It’s how they were called, how they named themselves, and carried that name proudly.
Seznam skladb
Medijski odzivi
“[Zdi se], da je veteran domače elektronske scene in večmedijski umetnik, sicer znan tudi pod psevdonimom Nova deViator, tokrat v ospredje […] postavil »le« glasbo. Upravičeno. Razen vzorčenja in subtilne manipulacije zvokov klavirja, s katerimi ploščo poveže v zaokroženo zgodbo, ne odkriva tople vode. Namesto tega se opre na studijske veščine in ukroji vrhunske, zvočno izklesane izpeljanke breakbeata, (warpovskega) IDM-a in nadubirane elektronike, ki sicer ne skrivajo starošolskega izvora, a skozi aktualne producentske pogruntavščine dobijo precej sodobnejšo podobo, kot se morda zazdi na prvi posluh.”
04.08.2017, MLADINA, Luka Prinčič: Albatross EP, Goran Kompoš
“Albatross EP deluje kot odličen prikaz Prinčičevih raznolikih glasbenih praks in posredno tudi občih etičnih načel, zato lahko postane uporabno izhodišče za seznanitev z njegovim delom. Obenem ploščo lahko poslušamo tudi kot dokument o stanju nekoliko zapoznele, a kljub temu izredno dodelane in kvalitetne domače elektronske glasbe. “
04.09.2017, Odzven, Pesem o albatrosu, Matej Mihevc
01.10.2017, Radio Slovenija, Na piedestal, Luka Prinčič: Albatross EP, Jolanda Fele
Pretekli dogodki
16.11.2017, Pritličje, Ljubljana, SI
31.07.2017, Kamizdat.si
Sodelavci in sodelavke
Luka Prinčič · glasba, produkcija
Matjaž Predanič · klavir in teme na skladba 1, 2 in 7
Igor Vuk · mastering
Emma Lazauski · ilustracija
Tina Ivezić & Luka Prinčič · oblikovanje
Posebne zahvale
I’m grateful to: Maja, Urška, 4H of 2016/17 SVŠGL class, Igor, Tina, Matjaž, my Patreon patrons, Emanat, SVŠGL, Iljus Wifmo, The Internet, Little Simz, Dmitri Shostakovich
Medijska podpora: Radio Študent Ljubljana
Finančna podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS
Prenos in nakup
Prosti prisluh in prenos (plačaj kolikor hočeš) in posebna omejena edicija CD-R so na voljo preko kamizdat.bandcamp.com.
Ustvarjeno in objavljeno pod Creative Commons BY-SA licenco ([Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji] – Attribution-ShareAlike)
cat: KAM025 | 2017 Emanat production | released July 31, 2017
OPUS, FLAC, and MP3 formats available via kamizdat.si/rls/kam025. This folder also includes open Renoise files (xrns modules).