Five Scenes For Symphonic Gong And Electronics is the debut album by Irish musician, composer, intermedia artist and educator Rob Canning and presents five chapters of the subtle sonorities of the symphonic gong, augmented by the electronic sound modulation of an analogue sound synthesiser.
Rob Canning’s superpositioning (compositioning?) of sounds is immersive (three-dimensional: sounds are all around us – if we are able to enter the abstract space) and therefore intellectually fulfilling. It is easy to observe different forms of sound activities – the “life” of sounds. The communication between sounds often occurs when they inter-modulate each other. But this happens only in the ear of the observer (listener). The quite clean and simple wave forms can do that. The result is not noise – in the usual terms of excess (of spectral density, of non-musicality, of loudness, …) – but the opposite. It is unusually clean. – from liner notes by Borut Savski
- Scene I – for gong with distortion and analogue synthesisers.
- Scene II – for gong with ring modulator, distortion and voice.
- Scene III – for gong with analogue synthesiser, distortion and computer.
- Scene IV – for gong with generative loops (phase patterns).
- Scene V – for gong and live electronics.
Rob Canning · Symphonic Gong, Programming (Supercollider), Synthesisers (Moog Mother32 and MF Ring Modulator), Voice
Meta Živa Canning · Voice (Scene II)
⨯ Recorded in Zavod Rizoma’s KontejnerLab studio residency space. zavodrizoma.si
⨯ Special thanks to my family, Barbara, Meta and Zoë for creating the time and space for this album to be made and to the team at Kamizdat for the invitation to create this work for release.
⨯ All tracks recorded and mixed using only free and open source software, thanks to the development community of Supercollider, Ardour and GNU/Linux (Debian).
⚬ All tracks composed by Rob Canning.
Samuel Aubert / OpenMastering · mastering
Tina Ivezić · graphic design
Maruša Hren · USB booklet, printing, bookmaking
Luka Prinčič & Luka T. Zagoričnik · executive production
City Municipality of Ljubljana · financial support
Radio Študent · media support
Free streaming, downloads (name your price) and limited edition USBs are available through Kamizdat Bandcamp shop kamizdat.bandcamp.com
Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence www.creativecommons.com/licence
produced by Emanat | released by kamizdat.si
cat.no.: KAM066