- All You Had To Do Was Say It by a wave, a mouth; [whitelabrec, accidental]
- Installations: Seis Elementos by @c [Crónica]
- This Thing Between Us Is A Rickety Bridge Of Impossible Crossing/Bonfires For Nobody... by set fire to flames [bandcamp]
- Kupala [Ukrainian] by AGF [bandcamp]
- a4 by Luka Prinčič + ala pecula [kamizdat]
- a3 by Luka Prinčič + ala pecula [kamizdat]
- Red roses are red now by Thme [seil]
- nons (il faut partir) by Luka Prinčič [bandcamp]
- Surrogacy (Edit) by Saša Spačal & Pim Boreel [kamizdat]
- If There’s Any Tinge of This World by Hiroshi Ebina [seil]
- Fiction by loscil [bandcamp]
collage by Luka Prinčič + ala pecula
photo by Steven Penton, CC-BY
graphic design by Luka Prinčič
K⁝Ø (k-zero) is a Kamizdat podcast presenting mixtapes of local artists on the trans-genre field of electronic music. The goal of the podcast is to present artists’ work in a wider musical context. These are tracks from around the world in a collage form of 30-60 minutes, which creates lines of reference from inner artists’ sonic place to the musical space-time landscape outside of it, with all points inbetween.