Daljši kratko-metražec (7 skladb + 2 remiksa) ljubljanske zasedbe Warrego Valles z naslovom ’save as’ predstavlja presek glasbenega raziskovanja, v katerega sta članici dua poglobljeni v zadnjem letu. Gre za plesno glasbo s koreninami v žanrih elektronske elektro in tehno glasbe in s sodobnimi pristopi k ritmu in izboru zvokov, ki ustvarjajo abstraktno, temačno, dinamično in impulzivno pokrajino. S to izdajo Warrego Valles stopata korak naprej v svojem neutrudnem in brezkompromisnem raziskovanju sodobne plesne elektronike.
Warrego Valles’ third instalment “save as” continues the duo’s experimentation with the deconstruction of sound and their attempts at shaping a music conglomerate that will transcend the usual club night format and at the same time allow them to stay true to their raw queer selves. Spawned from what could best be described as a direct plunge into the core of electronic dance music – brutally stripped of its happy-go-lucky feel though – the duo’s decision to aim at surpassing genres and merging them with social commentary, vehemently tears up the habitual, while nonetheless incessantly forcing our bodies to move.
Evolution is a constant in our daily lives – constant change and metamorphosis, putting layers on layers, saving data on data. Yet our deepest fear is to be left behind, covered in dust, trapped in the vast space of oversaturated information and a parallel nothingness, forgotten, never saved. Like the 0’s and 1’s of the binary code, our DNA is a mere system of data, inevitably subject to change as it tries to cope with the pitfalls of existence. If only we were in fact generated as artificial systems – capable of reproducing ourselves and our new selves by producing new genomes, capable of perceiving history not only as it was written, but as it was. Able to remember and never forget. To be – if only for a second – what we once were. What if we could literally save ourselves by saving ourselves as. – Luka Volk
Seznam skladb
Warrego Valles (Nina Hudej, Nina Kodri) · glasba & produkcija
mapalma · remiks in dodatna produkcija na skladbi 2
Tetsuo · remiks in dodatna produkcija na skladbi 7
Farah Sara Kurnik & Matej Mihevc · oblikovanje
Luka Volk · spremna beseda
Maruša Hren · USB knjižica
Luka Priničič · izvršna produkcija
Medijski odzivi
11.1.2018, Radio Študent, Luka Prinčič, Polona Torkar
17.03.2019, Radio Slovenija, Val 202, Interval – 21, Warrego Valles, Jolanda Fele
09.04.2019, Radio Študent, RŠ Hit, Warrego Valles: Voices
12.04.2019, Radio Študent, Tolpa bumov, Warrego Valles: save as, Nejc Suban
16.04.2019, Dnevnik, Deseta obletnica TRESKA, Katja Utroša
19.04.2019, Mladina, Warrego Valles: save as, Gregor Kocjančič
25.04.2019, Music Map Global, Press Ctrl+S on ‘save as’, the new album from experimental Slovenian duo Warrego Valles, Luka Volk
30.04.2019, Highclouds, Producers and queer activists Warrego Valles share abstract “save as” video, Arnaud Marty
2019, Intervju z Luko Prinčičem, Radio Muse
20.12.2019, Radio Študent, Partijska selekcija 2019
22.12.2019, MURK, Warrego Valles
27.12.2019, Mladina, Pregled leta: Naj muzika. Tri najboljše domače plošče in šest tujih
28.12.2019, Radio Študent, Naj tolpe bumov 2019
Prenos in nakup
Prosti prisluh in prenos (plaaj kolikor hočeš) in posebne omejene edicije knjiice z USB kljukom so na voljo preko kamizdat.bandcamp.com in preko vseh ustaljenih digitalnih trgovin in pretonih mest.
Glasba je ustvarjena in objavljena pod pogoji Creative Commons BY-SA licence ([Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji] – Attribution-ShareAlike) www.creativecommons.com/licence
Medijska podpora: Radio Študent Ljubljana
Finančna podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana
Pretekli dogodki
12.04.2019, HUB, Študentski kampus, Ljubljana, SI