With entropy all things move away from each other to achieve equilibrium. But more importantly, they strive for constant change against the forces of unbearable order. It’s a non-state of ever-becoming. Am I now talking about physics, sociology or the latest work by Luka Prinčič? He understands that it is not just important what we say, but also how we talk about things. So how does his Entropy EP speak? With it he continues his bassy broken beats fit for a dancefloor or as his video has proven – high speed ride through Iceland on a clear day. And this is where I see a change in his music that is fitting of the title — these are songs of patient dispersion with gentle optimistic undertones, which transform the perception of entropy, usually reserved for more harsher associations. It is the sound of a slow release of a dancer, unbound by the constrictions keeping them in place. It is, as Kevin Hodgson wrote, correctly quoted for the occasion, “the body entropic [that] moves to its own rhythms, energized by the contours of the stage.” — Gašper Torkar
“The body
moves to its
own rhythms,
by the contours
of the stage.”
Seznam skladb
Luka Prinčič · glasba, produkcija, miks
Igor Vuk · mastering
Kevin Hodgson · pesem “The Body, Entropic”
Stella Ivšek · oblikovanje
Maruša Hren · pregib
Janja Baznik · tisk
Medijski odzivi
04.06.2018, Radio Študent, Svaštarnica, Lina Steiner
25.06.2018, Musique libre, Luka Prinčič: Entropy EP
29.07.2018, Odzven.si, Prinčičev lasten žur, Nina Dragičevič
02.08.2018, Beehype.pe, Luka Prinčič’s Entropy, Andraž Kajzer
18.12.2018, Radio Študent, Pritlična svašta, Svaštarnica, Luka Seliškar
15.01.2019, Pop Schotch, Ex-Yu Critical Beatmaking : Beats & Bass & Drum&Bass LP/EP 2018
Prenos in nakup
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Medijska podpora: Radio Študent Ljubljana
Finančna podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana