“2311 is ambiental; not in the sense of genre, but in its effect, which delivers transmitter/receiver into a total sonic architecture. In the long sequences, the artist briefly pauses to enjoy the condensing of the sound, and it seems as if the sound arises from an emotional and tactile urge to bend time so as to allow for attentive listening that would not be subjected to regulated time constrictions. agapea’s sound is layered through multiple sound sources. Different levels of music themes are accumulating in slow tempo, each resonating in its own spectrum, like in the natural environment, where each species or natural phenomenon has its own sound niche.[…]
Besides independently researching sound structures, Saša Spačal alias agapea plays with noise(s) in media art installations, in which she broaches the question of a comprehensive posthumanist perception of the environment by employing different biotechnological means or by combining live systems, technologies, and art.”
— from liner notes by Ida Hiršenfelder alias beepblip (click for full text)
Instruction for listening:
To experience the sound over the whole audio spectrum, high volume and subwoofers are recommended.
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Some rights reserved under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) licence www.creativecommons.com/licence
agapea · music, recordīng
(except 2322 performed/recorded by agapea and beepblip)
Andro Giunio · graphic design
Maruša ‘Maruji’ Hren · usb booklet design and manufacture
Radio Študent Ljubljana & ODZVEN/Sigic · media support
City of Ljubljana & Ministry of Culture RS · financial support